My 2019 Reading List

Sunday, February 10, 2019
It's been awhile since I've posted anything about my recent reads here, but I've still been devouring books nonetheless. In 2018 I set myself a goal of 30 books for my 30th year and I actually managed to accomplish it, even if I was cramming in some reading every second I could get towards the end there. Maybe it's the cold, dark days we're having lately but I've been really enjoying having my nose in a book. I have so many things on my to-read list right now too so I'm sure thats a motivating factor as well. So what am I hoping to tuck into this year you ask? Brace yourself, it's a long one.

Full disclosure: I may have already started some of these...even finished some... I'm sorry, I can't help myself! But let's start with the ones I've already dipped into...

A Rather Remarkable Homecoming by C.A. Belmond - Fourth in the series, I asked for this book for Christmas because I could only ever find the first three at my precious the library book sale. Thank you Amazon for your used book selection! This was a fun little read, with just enough intrigue and mystery to keep you turning pages but not enough to have your palms sweating. I like my books fun and happy thank you very much.

An Edited Life by Anna Newton - I pre-ordered this book from the UK Amazon because I couldn't be bothered to wait for the American release almost a month after it originally came out. It's a self help book of sorts about curating different aspects of your life so it's not absolute madness. I just finished this the other day and I can say it's funny, has some good tips and manages to be prescriptive enough to help you get your shit together but without making you feel bad. And counting Ryan Gosling references along the way was fun as well.

One that's been a long time coming is Quiet by Susan Cain. My mom (extrovert) got this for me and my brother-in-law and my dad (all introverts) several years ago. I've been meaning to get around to it, and I'm glad I finally did at the beginning of this year. It wasn't anything mind blowing, but it's definitely making me examine how I can better set myself up for success especially in the workplace when I know I crave quiet and am easily overwhelmed by external stimulation when I'm trying to think.

This is the last one I've cheated and already started, I promise. It's actually a short series, but I've polished off the first mini book and I just started the second one. The Mindfulness Essentials series by Thich Nhat Hanh is a collection of five little books on mindfulness in different areas of life -- sitting, eating, loving, walking and relaxing. So far I like the tiny format, the ease of dipping in and out and the quick little nuggets of insight. I'm looking forward to applying some of his advice and doing some of the mini meditations in my day to day life.

Ok now for things I've not yet got my hands on. First up, non-fiction.

I'm kind of all over the shop with the non-fiction list this year. In the health department I plan on borrowing How Not To Die by Michael Greger from the library this weekend with the hope that I'll learn a lot more about nutrition, particularly since I've been making a lot of dietary changes lately. For my physical health I really want to read Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker which, as you can guess, talks about the importance of sleep and what it does for our bodies. I'm a big fan of sleep and get right around 7 to 8 hours a night so I don't have any issues there but I'm still intrigued to learn about what's actually happening while I'm laying there unconscious.

Moving away from health and wellness, I'm really hoping to get my hands on a copy of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate by Naomi Klein. I've been reading a lot about what we as individuals can do to reduce our impact, but I'm interested to read about what needs to happen at a corporate level before the biggest impact can be made. In the financial sphere, I want to read Making The Most Of Your Money Now by Jane Bryant Quinn. I was given her other book, How to Make Your Money Last which was more aimed at retired people than 30 year olds, but it was packed with information nevertheless. Now it only seems prudent to read the book she actually wrote with the 30 year olds in mind. Yes, I'm a bit of a money nerd. I lead a very strange life. The last two books I'm interested in are kind of genre stragglers. The first is Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown, yet another book that ties together work and minimalism to help you edit your time. I'm not sure that it'll be anything new to me, but I'm still interested in seeing what it has to say.

Finally, the last two non-fiction books I want to read are both memoirs. Just like everyone else in the world right now I can't wait to read Becoming by Michelle Obama. How could you not want to learn all about such a smart, poised, admirable woman? Now to wait until my mom finishes her copy so I can steal it... The other memoire is Everything I Know About Love by Dolly Alderton. I haven't heard of anyone here in the US talking about this yet but it seems like every UK-based blogger I follow has devoured it and loved it, so I want to see what all the fuss is about.

Finally! The fiction! Admittedly this section is really small in comparison, which is unusual for me. I am a fiction girl through and through, but I tend to just buy whatever I can get my hands on at the library book sale every year and read that so I'm never really on the hunt for any specific books. There are only three book on my mind this year. In fact, one has been on my mind since way back in May when I posted my last reading list: A Gentleman In Moscow by Amor Towles. I still haven't borrowed this from the library, but it remains on my list. Maybe I'll get really ambitious and borrow two books when I go today. Living life on the edge. The last two books are both recommended by Anna from The Anna Edit: Conversations With Friends by Sally Rooney, and White Teeth by Zadie Smith. Both books have received stellar reviews by readers and critics alike so I can't wait to immerse myself in their worlds, even though that usually means I end up ugly crying. Totally worth it.

I definitely have my work cut out for me this year, especially since this doesn't even cover the 20-some books I also picked up at the library book sale back in October. I better go get a move on. If you want to see how I'm doing with this rather ambitious list, come friend me on Goodreads. Otherwise, see you next time!
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